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Page en Anglais.
La culture japonaise est né sur le tatami,
a grandi et a été achevée.

Allez-vous aussi l'expérience de la culture japonaise
sur le tatami?

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Liste des prix
Les frais d'envoi
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Demande d'estimation
Tatami omote
(Surface de tatamis)
Des échantillons de frontière
(bord de tatamis)
Tatami Toko
(Tatami matériel interne)

Enregistrer l'exportation

2010  2009  2008  2007   2006 2005 
  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  

January : UK---For the corporation(Grass of nature + Straw )

January :
Mexico---For the individual(Japanese paper+ Fiberboard)

January :
HongKong---For the individual(Grass of nature + Fiberboard)

February :
Norway---For the individual(Grass of nature + Straw wide)

February :
USA---For the individual(Tatami making kit)

March :
Sweden---For the individual(Grass of nature + Fiberboard)

March :
USA---For the individual(Tatami making kit)

April :
UK---For the corporation(Grass of nature + Straw,Grass of nature + Fiberboard , Grass of nature + Fiber board for floor heating)

April :
Hungary---Individual group buying ( Grass of nature + Fiberboard)

April :
Sinagapore---For the individual(Grass of nature + Fiberboard)

May :
Sinagapore---For the individual ( Japanese paper + Fiberboard)

May :
Nepal---Judo mat for orphanage( Vinyl + Fiberboard)

May :
Denmark---For the individual(Grass of nature +Straw,Without border,Large size)

June :
Singapore---For the individual(Grass of nature + Fiberboard, By Fedex)

June :
Geramany---For the corporation(Family mark of Japan of old "KAMON border"

June :
Belgium---For the individual(Tatami making kit)
For paste and to substitute the surface of Tatami of theJapanese tearoom

June : Czech Republic---For the individual(Tatami making kit)

June :
Switzerland---For the individual(Straw + Grass of nature , For the chiropractic treatment room)

June : USA---For the individual(Without border)

July :
SPAIN--For the individual(Straw +Grass of nature)

July :
Australia--For the individual(Tatami making kit)

July :
UK---For the individual(Tatami making kit)

July :
Norway---For the individual(Tatami making kit)

August :
UK---For the corporation(Straw mat , Shouji paper"WARLON" ,Incense stick"

August :
HongKong---For the corporation(Plant (suraface)mat)

September :
Australia---For the individual(Japanese paper mat "KOGANEHAKU")

September :
Costa Rica---For the individual(Plant mat , EX-WORKS)

September :
USA---For the corporation(Tatami making kit)

September :
UK---For the corporation(Straw mat)

September :
The Netherlands---For the individual(Thin mat)

October :
Switzerland---For the individual(Plant mat EX-WORKS)

October :
Saudi Arabia---For the corporation(20feet full Container , Plant mat , ZAISU , ZAISU mat

October :
USA---For the individual(Plant mat EX-WORKS)

November:Sweden---For the individual(Japanese paper"KOGANEHAKU")

November:Germany---For the individual(Japanese paper"KOGANEHAKU")

December:Morocco---For the corporation(20feet full Container , Plant mat)

January: Hong Kong---For the individual

January:The Netherlands---For the corporation

January:UK--- For the individual --Tatami making kit

January:Argentina---For the corporation--Tatami making kit

January:USA--- For the individual --Tatami making kit

January:France---For the individual

February:USA---For the individual

February:Hong Kong---For the corporation

March:Hong Kong---For the corporation

March:Russia---For the individual<Japanese paper mat>

April : Hong Kong---For the corporation

May:Australia---For the corporation

June:UK---For the individual

USA---For the corporation

June: :
Sweden---For the corporation

June :
Switzerland---For the individual<Tatami for floor heating and Shouji screen set>

July :
UK---For the individual(Organic tatami)

July : Switzerland----
For the individual

July :
USA---For the individual

September : Malaysia---For the individua

October :
Australia---For the individual

October :
USA---For the individual

November : Hungary---For the corporation

December :
Hong kong---For the individual

December :USA---For the corporation

December :
USA---For the individual

December :
Sweden---For the corporation 20ftContainer FCL

December : Sweden---For the individual

December :
---For the individual

: Switzerland
---For the individual

December :
UAE---For the corporation
January: Thailand---For the corporation

February: Czech Republic--- For the individual --Tatami making kit

February: UK--- For the individual

February: Philippine--For the individual

March: Switzerland.---For the individual

April:Germany.---For the corporation

:Paraguay---For the corporation

June:Germany---For the individual

June:Italy---For the individuaTatami making kitl

June:Czech Republic---For the individualTatami making kit

June:Singapore---For the individual

July:USA---For the individualTatami making kit

July:Turkey---For the corporation

July:Germany---For the corporation

July:New Caledonia---For the individual

July:UK---For the individual

July:UK---For the corporation

Sptember:Italy---For the individual

September:Australia---For the individual

October:UK---For the corporation

October:Italy---For the individual

November:Australia---For the individual
January: Italy.--- For the individual --Tatami making kit

January: Germany.---For the corporation

February: UK.-- Joint buying in individual externals -- 2 persons

February: UK. ---For the corporation

March: France. ---For the individual

April:UK---For the individual

May:Mexico---For the individual

June:UK ---For the corporation

August:China---For the individual

September: USA.---For the individual

November: Germany.---For the corporation

November: Greece.---For the corporation

November: Sweden. ---For the individual

December: Luxembourg. ---For the individual

December:Italy.--- For the individuall --Tatami making kit

December:Georgia---For the corporation

December:Germany.---For the individual
March: USA.--For the corporation

March: Germany---For the individual

March: Singapore.---For the individual

April: Singapore. ---For the individual

June: Finland.---For the individual

June: Ireland.---For the individual

July: USA.---For the individual

July: Ireland. ---For the corporation

July: Israel.---For the corporation

August: USA---For the individual

September: Romania.---For the individual

October: Germany.---For the individual

November: New Zealand.---For the individual

December: Hong Kong.---For the corporation

December: Germany. ---For the individual
April : USA--For the individual.

May : Germany--For the individual

June : Hong kong--For the individual

July : Ethiopia--For the corporation.

September : Germany--For the individual.

September : Singapore--For the individual.
April : Hong Kong--For the corporation.

August : Bulgaria--For the individual.

October : Ukraine--For the corporation.
February : USA--For the corporation.

April : Hong Kong--For the individual.

September :
--For the individual.

October : Ireland--For the individual.
February : Philippine--For the individual.

September : Australia--For the individual.
August : UK--For the London Mitsukoshi Ltd.

August : UK--For the JAPAN-UK 2001"ZA MANGA"ZEN CUBE

August :UK--We made a tatami in England. The tatami was laid in the car.
The car was put on display in Tokyo motor show.
It was the car of Isuzu motor.

August :UK--For the interior shop.

August :France---For the interior shop.

September : Saudi Arabia--For the individual.

October : UK--For the JAPAN-UK 2001

October : Vietnam--For the corporation.

October : Sweden--For the individual.

October : Norway--For the individual.
April : Austria--For the individual.

July : USA--For the individual.

August : Poland--For the interior shop.

August : USA--For the interior shop.

October : Sweden--For the individual.

MORITA tatami mat maker